Relevant & Timely Information to Keep You On Top

Education is the third pillar of the S.T.E.M. platform that powers the Vitalgenics Practitioner Network (VPN). Be sure and also take a closer look at the other pillars of S.T.E.M. which are the {S}ourcing, {T}ribe, and {M}arket-Creation.

Whether you plan to operate in the domain of widely accepted and documented protocols, or you're looking to dance along the fringe, the VPN will serve as a rich resource. From our searchable repositories of documented and experimental protocols to the monthly masterminds we conduct, you will acclimate and dominate Regenerative Medicine quicker than you might think. We employ a rich set of communication tools & technology that allow you to always stay abreast of what's happening in the world of Regenerative treatments and the "What's Working Now" in business development.

The VPN offers a rich mix of reference materials and ongoing live training that keeps you as a practitioner abreast of developments in this space… keeping you at the front of the pack.

We know how valuable your time is and have created an educational setup that caters to the tight schedule. The VPN always has a library of information at their fingertips and we supplement that information with live online masterminds and workshops. Have a look through the components of the VPN's Education pillar.
Procedures & Protocols Reference

Every VPN member has access to a growing library of recommended procedures and protocols. Whether you’re treating a unique musculoskeletal condition or helping a patient restore their immune system following chemotherapy, the VPN’s library of protocols is invaluable. Remove the guesswork. Dosing, preparation, administration… have access to it all.

VPN Treatment Journals

The VPN’s Tribe of practitioners is something to be proud of as the body of talent and generosity it represents is unparalleled in this space. The VPN has a culture of openly sharing our knowledge and experiences for the betterment of its members. Every practitioner in the network is encouraged to provide details on cases they have completed which then go into a repository you can search and explore as you expand your Regenerative Medicine offerings.

Monthly "Med" Mastermind

As part of the VPN, you have unlimited access to the monthly “Med” masterminds. This is a peer-learning group designed to help the network assimilate new information and accelerate growth. Once a month (and sometimes more) you will hear directly from other Regenerative Practitioners on the types of work they are doing in the space right now. These masterminds have an open format allowing you to raise questions and contribute your expertise.

Market Hackers "Live"

This is another exciting peer-learning group moderated and led by both in-network and out-of-network experts on topics such as sales, marketing, & market-creation. Think of these sessions as hands-on training for the multitude of market-creation tools and resources you have at your disposal through the VPN. See how these tools are used and then apply them to your own business development efforts.

Discover all four pillars of the platform
It goes without saying that when it comes to stem cell therapies (and Regenerative Medicine in general), the quality of the biologics you use is critical. Harvesting, processing, storage, and distribution all play a big part in the quality of regenerative products and the effectiveness of the therapies. But, with the VPN, our sourcing also pertains to the equipment, services, and key relationships you'll need to maximize both the success and profitability of your regenerative practice.

The VPN aims to save you time, money, and the headaches of the research and trial and error of sourcing on your own.

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